Die Akustisierung des Könnens
Traffic Orchestra
Traffic Orchestra In close cooperation with musicians, the music performance pieces are composed to incorporate traffic noise as an instrument – to see if we able to understand our noise surrounding as music. For the performance, the musicians have predetermined rhythms, but improvise and react to sounds during the performance, e.g. certain car horns […]
The aesthetics of heritage
The aesthetics of heritage The ‘aesthetics of heritage’ plays with the original use of the voice and a communication without human language; investigating the natural and sophisticated voice control and trying to teach one to mimic the other. The Czechoslovakian wolfdog is a breed between German Shepard and wolf that, in experiment of the army […]
Von Mustern, die sich erzählen
Von Mustern, die sich erzählen (Of patterns narrating themselves) Thousands of threads are pulled over the stretched blankets and with the aid of a motor mechanism dozens are constantly moving, rubbing against the fabric. A soft sound is created. The materiality of the threads as well as their run are reflecting the social-historical context of […]
Gestalten Mirjam Gurtner developed the durational dance performance Gestalten with the Forward Dance Company (Theater Lofft) in the Monument to the Battle of the Nations in Leipzig. The site specific piece took place on three levels of the monument – for which I developed the spatial and sonic design.Throughout the monument five videos are […]
Soft Power: Brushes With the help of motors, the objects rotate in different rhythms. The friction of the various special cleaning materials on the wall creates different noises and leaves circular traces of dirt. The sound, or rather the movement, of all the objects is programmed in interaction and appears partly random, partly musical or […]
glatt glatt glatt
glatt, glatt, glatt Fishing lines of various thicknesses are stretched on metal frames. With the help of a small motor, a reed rotates on the entire back of the frame and plucks the strings. The sound varies in the different objects and is related to the thickness of the fishing lines, their arrangement and […]
Tickle, Tingle, Titilate
Tickle, Tingle, Titilate Different moving sculptures and photographes of special gloves. They are touching surfaces repeatedly, sometimes soft like stroking, sometimes roughly and the sounds will change accordingly. . . . .
lache The object can be moved. By tilting it slightly, over 4000 red glass marbles roll across the surface, hitting each other and against the rail. Lache was developed for the Lehrte multi-storey car park and installed between the third and fourth floors. 2021Site-specific performative sound object13mx6m; Glass marbles, multi-skin sheets, […]
träger Up to eight women attempt to move large industrial parts acoustically and rhythmically for a short period of time with the help of a choreographer. Each of the 5 objects is pulled by a different body part, for which specially designed harnesses have been created. The various materials of the objects collide with […]
Sonic City Gym
Sonic City Gym Various objects in public spaces are repurposed as instruments. Specific harnesses and body straps are made for each location, allowing the performer to execute classical physical fitness exercises, move/lift/push objects (such as manhole covers), and create sound rhythms. Videos were previously recorded at the same location and then projected onto the […]
. . Soft Power: Neighbours Some of the 70 carpet rolls are driven by motors. The pressure of the surrounding rolls causes the other rolls to start spinning as well. The speed of the rotation depends on the proximity, stability and movement of the neighbouring rolls.The friction of the different materials against each other […]
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sit stand lie / push pull stroke
sit stand lie / push pull stroke Objects and dancers wear microphones. The objects can be moved by the audience. All soundtracks are simultaneously transmitted live, the audience wears wireless headphones. The series of objects was developed during Covid-19’s protective measures regarding distancing. It is a joint research with choreographer Mirjam Gurtner about different states of play […]
Monotone Choir The front beam of the pool is pulled back and forth by an engine in irregular rhythms. The chains attached to the beams tighten, creating different soft sounds in contact with each other as well as with the dripping of the water. The different materialities and strengths of the chains create a […]

Flossie & Adel ‘Flossie & Adel’ was the artist synonym of the collective Lisa Premke and Lena von Döhren. From 2005 – 2009, they worked with a collection of more than 500 speakers – using them as bricks to build landscapes, figures or shapes for interactive audio plays. With up to 36 single mono channels […]
Skinned, Dance Performance by Mirjam Gurtner Space concept/ Sound design The Swiss Choreographer Mirjam Gurtner created this piece about control, safety and the unfamiliar. Taken place in different settings such as gallery spaces or dance stages, the stage and sound design is always site specific – bearing in mind that for this piece, the risk-taking and desire for control […]
Back to the temple of the sun, 2014, Feature film by Marco Pando Music/ Sound design/ Editing Experimental road movie follows in the tracks of Tintin, who set off with Captain Haddock to Peru in the comic-strip album The Temple of the Sun (Le temple du soleil, 1949) to liberate Professor Calculus from the claws of the […]
. . Singing Patterns The outer circle of the water tower is closed with a total of over 20km of chain. Like curtains, the chains are hung in the 60 windows. Through the windy location, the chains are set in motion, bang against each other and produce thousands […]
lisa.premke@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/lisa.premke/ +49 3021983307
Adlershof Journal, Print and Online Publication, 2018 (english and german) Exhibition @ Goldrausch 2017, Studio1 Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin Here’s my new Catalogue ‘Zwischen Lauten’ ! Designed by the great Delia Keller (Gestaltung Berlin) and with a beautiful text by … Continue reading
Languitecture Iterations Languitecture is a project by Nadine Hattom, Joe Hornby, Marco Pando, Lisa Premke, Rawan Serhan and Eduardo Suarez; a year-long process to explore interconnections of the four mother-tongues Spanish, Arabic, English and German. Each work is within a circle of iteration, passed on by the other artists. Flat Mountain, High Mountain, 2017 Drawing on paper1: […]
Lisa Premke studied architecture and Fine Arts at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam before earning her Master of Sound for the Moving Image at the Glasgow School of Art. In her work, she searches for traces of collective systems in objects and materials and gives them an independent voice and narration.For her site-specific projects […]
(click on images to see articles) https://www.art-in-berlin.de/incbmeld.php?id=4933 https://www.morgenpost.de/bezirke/neukoelln/meldungen/article216353763/Lisa-Premke-gewinnt-Neukoellner-Kunstpreis-2019.html http://www.abendblatt-berlin.de/2019/02/14/neukoellner-kunstpreis-wurde-verliehen/ Selected coverage of Kochi Muziris Biennale, 2018, Pepperhouse residency exhibition: Adlershof Journal, print March 2018 Tagesspiegel, print Oct.2017 The Arab Weekly, online Oct. 2016 Berlin Kicks, online 2015 BegehungenYoutube […]