




    The Chapel

The architectonic sound installation is made in accordance to the existing architecture of the gallery space. Large canvases close the open space over two floors until the ceiling, only the two great towers of the neighboring building are seen through the rooftop windows. Behind the canvases are two walls of speakers facing inwards.
Microphones, that are placed throughout the gallery in front of other works of art are fed back directly to multiple channels in the speaker wall. When the visitor enters the gallery through the work, he hears the snippets of conversation and noise of the exhibition rooms behind.
The speakers are set on a very low volume level, it is necessary to get close to the canvas in order to hear the sound. One listens to the interior of the gallery, similar to a confession room.

2011, Site-specific Sound Installation
600cm x 200cm x 220cm /fabric, wood, sound, mixed media




